Replica Louis Vuitton Outdoor Bumbag M30247
The Louis Vuitton Outdoor Bumbag M30247 is a limited edition bag that is perfect for outdoor activities. It features a mix of Monogram canvas and Taiga cowhide leather in a tone-on-tone design. with cowhide leather trim and textile lining. The bag measures 8.3 x 6.7 x 2.0 inches (Length x Height x Width) and has a silver color hardware.
The bag has a central zipped compartment and a front zipped pocket. both of which provide ample space for storing belongings. The bag also has a buckle fastener and an adjustable strap that is not removable. The strap is designed for hands-free carry. making it perfect for outdoor activities.
Overall. the Louis Vuitton Outdoor Bumbag M30247 is both stylish and durable. making it a great choice for those who want a functional and fashionable bag for their outdoor adventures.
Detailed Features
- 8.3 x 6.7 x 2.0 inches(Length x Height x Width)
- Silver
- Taiga cowhide leather and Monogram Antarctica coated canvas
- Cowhide leather trim
- Textile lining
- Silver-color hardware
- Central zipped compartment
- Front zipped pocket
- Buckle fastener
- Strap:Not removable. adjustable