Replica Louis Vuitton S LOCK MESSENGER M45863
The Louis Vuitton S LOCK MESSENGER M45863 is a stylish and user-friendly bag that comes with a new closure inspired by the House’s historic trunk locks. It is made of Monogram Macassar coated canvas with Epi leather trim and lining. and features matte black hardware. V stitching. and an embossed signature on the leather handle. The S Lock magnetic closure has a bold ultra-modern look with touches of bright blue.
The bag has a large front pocket and a large zipped compartment. as well as an inside flat pocket for added convenience. The strap is removable and adjustable with a strap drop of 13.0 inches and a strap drop max of 23.6 inches. The bag also has a single handle for easy carrying.
Measuring 8.7 x 7.1 x 3.1 inches (length x height x width). the S LOCK MESSENGER is a compact yet spacious bag that is perfect for everyday use. Its sleek design and functional features make it a must-have for any fashion-forward individual.
S LOCK MESSENGER Detailed features
- 8.7 x 7.1 x 3.1 inches(length x Height x Width)
- Monogram Macassar coated canvas
- Epi leather trim and lining
- Matte black hardware
- V stitching and embossed signature on the leather handle
- S Lock magnetic closure
- Large front pocket
- Large zipped compartment
- Inside flat pocket
- Strap:Removable. adjustable
- Strap drop: 13.0 inches
- Strap drop max: 23.6 inches
- Handle:Single